NF VALIDATION: 15 methods certified in Water domain

As of June 09th, 2015, 15 methods for microbiological analysis in water are certified NF VALIDATION. The tests of quantification of Legionella using PCR are certified according to a protocol based on NF T90-471 and ISO/TS 12869 standards. The other methods are certified according to a specific technical protocol, developed by AFNOR Certification, that compares the alternative method to a standard method for a defined targeted strain.

During its meeting held on June 08th, 2015, the NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Water General protocol” approved by vote:

– The validation renewal of the method RAPID’E. coli 2 + Supplement for water testing (Bio-Rad) for the enumeration of E. coli ß D-glucuronidase positive and coliform bacteria ß D-galactosidase positive in waters for human consumption.

Others analysis methods are currently following the NF VALIDATION process.

Next meetings in water domain:

– NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Water General protocol” : Friday 3rd of July, 2015.

– NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – WaterPCR Legionella” : Wednesday 14th of October, 2015