What’s up on July 2015 on the water validation side ?

As of July 06th, 2015, 15 methods for microbiological analysis in water are certified NF VALIDATION. The tests of quantification of Legionella using PCR are certified according to a protocol based on NF T90-471 and ISO/TS 12869 standards. The other methods are certified according to a specific technical protocol, developed by AFNOR Certification, that compares the alternative method to a standard method for a defined targeted strain.

During its meeting held the 3rd July 2015, the Technical Board – Water General protocol examined validation files of alternative methods currently submitted to the NF VALIDATION certification process.

Next meetings in water domain:

– NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Water General protocol” : Monday 23rd of November, 2015 and Friday 11th of March, 2016.

– NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Water PCR Legionella” : Wednesday 14th of October, 2015.