Food industry

In the field of food microbiology, alternative methods that have received the NF VALIDATION mark concern the detection or enumeration of micro-organisms (Listeria, Salmonella, coliforms…) and the detection/quantification of antibiotics residues. The NF VALIDATION mark has been widely recognised in France and is also well-established in Europe and internationally. It is a completely separate European certification system, operating differently than the technical validation systems of NordVal (inter-governmental validation system of 5 Nordic countries) and AOAC (North American technical validation system).

Access to the certified methods by germs on food industry

A guarantee of recognition at the European level

In January 2006, the application of Regulation (EC) 2073/2005 relating to the microbiological criteria applicable to foodstuffs gave the NF VALIDATION mark a truly European standing. Indeed, the NF VALIDATION mark meets the three fundamental requirements described in article 5 of the regulation with a view to European recognition of alternative methods:

  • It is issued by a third party certifying organization (AFNOR Certification).
  • It implements the validation protocol described in EN ISO 16140.
  • It takes as a reference for validation study the methods described in annex 1 of the regulation.

 In France, the Directorate for food of the French Agriculture ministry (DGAL) formalised this recognition in a memo.

AFNOR Certification communicates with other validation systems in worldwide in order to establish mutual recognition between different validation systems in the future, in particular with AOAC RI.

Access to the certified methods by germs on food industry

You will find below listed the certified analytical methods and holder companies. The methods are classified by principle. Download (PDF format) the two public documents relating to each certified alternative method: the nf validation certificate and the summary validation study report.