As of December 23th, 141 alternative methods for microbiological analysis in food are certified NF VALIDATION, validated according to the protocol EN ISO 16140: 2003 or its new version EN ISO 16140-2: 2016. The update of the files is done gradually, on the occasion of renewals or extensions. The end of transition is scheduled for 2021. In the meantime, the 2 types of certificates are still valid.
In addition, 4 methods for the detection of antibiotics residues in food are validated according to the Validation protocol antibiotics of AFNOR Certification.
Following the positive agreement of the Technical Board (TC) expressed during its meeting held on 3rd and 4th of October 2019, AFNOR Certification approved:
- The validation of the alternative methods : IDEXX SNAP Beta-Lactam ST Plus (IDEXX Laboratories) for detection of Beta-Lactam in raw commingled cows’ milk.
- The certification extensions for COMPASS Listeria Agar (détection) (Solabia S.A.S) for the use of a new enrichment protocol with Fraser1/2 broth, AL Enumeration and AL Detection (BIO-RAD) for the use of a new confirmation protocol (Rhamnose test) and iQ-Check Listeria monocytogenes II (BIO-RAD) for the analysis of industrial production environmental samples using specifics protocols.
- The certification renewals (according to the new EN ISO 16140-2: 2016) of Solus E. coli O157 ELISA (Solus Scientific), EASY STAPH and IRIS Salmonella (Solabia S.A.S, iQ Check Listeria spp. (BIO-RAD) with extension for the analysis of industrial production environmental samples using specifics protocols.
Our next meetings of the TC:
- 2019: November 28th & 29th
- 2020: January 30st & 31th, March 26th & 27th, May 14th& 15th, July 2nd & 3rd , October 1st & 2nd, December 3rd & 4th