NF VALIDATION (Agro) : What’s new in June 2022 ?

On July 8th, 2022, the NF VALIDATION mark has been awarded to 153 methods of analysis in food microbiology, validated according to the protocol EN ISO 16140-2: 2016.

In addition, 5 methods for the detection of antibiotic residue in food are validated according to the Validation protocol antibiotics AFNOR Certification.

Following the positive agreement of the Technical Board (TB) of Food expressend during its meeting held on June 15th and 16th 2022, AFNOR Certification has approved :

  • The certification validation for OXOID™ Listeria Precis (OXOID ThermoFisher) for the detection of Listeria species
  • Certification renewals (according to the new EN ISO 16140-2: 2016 protocol) : VIDAS Listeria Monocytogenes 2 (30°C Fraser), ALOA COUNT, VIDAS Salmonella (protocole simple voie), BACARA (bioMérieux), MicroSEQ Salmonella, Listeria Precis (dénombrement Listeria monocytogenes) (OXOID ThermoFisher), GeneDisc Listeria spp. et GeneDisc Listeria monocytogenes (Pall GeneDisc Technologies), BAX System RT-PCR Assay E. coli O157:H7 (Qualicon, Hygiena) and PREMI®TEST (R-BIOPHARM)
  • Extensions for VIDAS Listeria Monocytogenes 2, VIDAS Listeria monocytogenes Xpress (LMX), VIDAS Listeria DUO, VIDAS Listeria, VIDAS Campylobacter (CAM), VIDAS Salmonella, VIDAS Up coli O157 (ECPT), VIDAS Up Salmonella (SPT) et VIDAS Up Listeria (LPT) (bioMérieux) for the use of a new instrument VIDAS KUBE and VIDAS Easy Salmonella, VIDAS Up Salmonella (SPT), VIDAS Campylobacter (CAM), Gélose CampyFood (CFA) et ESIA One Day (bioMérieux) for the use of a new instrument VITEK® MS Prime, Delvotest® T (DSM Food Specialities) to extend the validation scope for the use of Delvotest® Accelerator Smart and BAX System RT-PCR Assay for Salmonella spp. (Qualicon, Hygiena) for the evolution of the BAX ® System Q7 software.


Our next meetings:

2022 : October 6th and 7th, December 7th and 8th