As of March 24th 2016, 134 alternative methods for microbiological food analysis are certified NF VALIDATION : 106 are validated according to the protocol EN ISO 16140: 2003 and 28 according to the protocol EN ISO 16140-2: 2016. Two methods for the detection of antibiotics residues in food are validated according to the NF VALIDATION specific protocol.
During his meeting held on March 23rd and 24th 2016, the NF VALIDATION Technical Board (Application to agribusiness) approved by vote:
– The validation (according to the protocol EN ISO 16140-2:2016) of SALMA One Day (bioMérieux) for the detection of Salmonella spp. in all human food and animal feed products.
– The validation extension of GENE-UP Salmonella (bioMérieux) to all human food products and production environmental samples (new protocols with an enrichment step at 37°C).
– The validation extension of Thermo Scientific SureTect Salmonella species PCR Assay (Oxoid Thermo Fisher Scientific) for the use of ABI 7500 Fast instrument with ABI RapidFinder Express software V2.0 for the analysis of “seafood and vegetables”, with update of the validation study accoding to the protocol EN ISO 16140-2:2016.
– The validation renewals (according to the protocol EN ISO 16140-2:2016) of ANSR pour Salmonella (Neogen Europe) and Listeria Precis Detection (Oxoid Thermo Fisher Scientific).
Next meetings of the NF VALIDATION Technical Board (Application to agribusiness): 2017: May 18th and 19th, July 3rd and 4th, September 28th and 29th, November 23th and 24th. 2018: January 25th and 26th, March 22th and 23rd, July 2nd and 3rd.