As of April 25th, 2019, 14 methods for microbiological analysis in water are certified NF VALIDATION. The qPCR kits for qualitative and quantitative detection of Legionella are certified according to a protocol based on NF T90-471 and ISO/TS 12869 standards. The other methods are certified according to a technical protocol, developed by AFNOR Certification and based on the comparison of the performances of an alternative method with the ones of a standard method.
Following the positive agreement of the Water Microbiology Technical Board (TC) expressed during its meeting held on 25th of March 2019, AFNOR Certification approved:
- The certification renewal for RAPID’E. coli 2 + Supplement (BIO-RAD) for the enumeration of Escherichia coli ß D-glucuronidase positive and coliform bacteria ß D-galactosidase positive in waters for human consumption.
Others files are in the process of certification.
Our next meetings of the Water Microbiology TC:
- 2019 : June 18th, October 8th
- 2020 : February 11th, June 2nd, October 6th