There has been a growing need for the use of quick analysis kits in the water analysis sector. In 2008, AFNOR Certification has developed the application of the NF VALIDATION mark to the sector of the microbiological analysis of water.
Access to the certified methods by germs on water analysis
Two different forms of certification
Legionella by PCR
The first form is specific to the detection/quantification of Legionella and Legionella pneumophila by PCR. It is based on the determination of the intrinsic performance of the kit to be validated on the basis of the standard NF T90-471 and ISO/TS 12869. These standards describe the requirements for Legionella PCR kits, in terms of context, performance and control. With the help of specialist experts in the field, AFNOR Certification has developed a protocol based entirely on these standards and adapted to the requirements of third party certification.
Other alternative methods for water analysis
The second form of certification focuses on the comparison of the method to be validated with the standardized reference method, thus adopting the same principle implemented in the validation of methods in the food industry. A general technical protocol, determining the criteria to be tested (selectivity, sensitivity, accuracy, linearity, repeatability, etc.) has been developed by AFNOR Certification with the help of his experts network. This protocol proposes experimental design and appropriate statistical processes.
Access to the certified methods by germs on water analysis
You will find below listed the certified analytical methods and holder companies. The methods are classified by principle. Download (PDF format) the two public documents relating to each certified alternative method: the NF VALIDATION certificate and the summary validation study report.