As of July 3rd 2014, 120 microbiological methods in the food industry as well as 3 antibiotic detection methods are certified NF VALIDATION. All the microbiological methods are validated according to the NF EN ISO 16140 standard protocol requirements.
During its meeting held on July 3rd 2014, the NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Food Microbiology” approved by vote:
– The validation of a new method: 3M Rapid Yeast and Mold Petrifilm Plate (3M Health Care) for the enumeration of Yeast and Mold in all human food products, animal feed and environmental samples
– The validation renewal (without modifications) of the following methods: ADIAFOOD Salmonella (bioMérieux), ALOA COUNT (bioMérieux), Listeria Precis Enumeration (OXOID Ltd), MicroSEQ Salmonella spp (Life Technologies), Premi-Test (R-Biopharm AG), RAPID’L. mono/Gélose Detection (BIO-RAD) et VIDAS SLM/Single selective enrichment (bioMérieux)
– The validation extension of the method ThermoScientific SureTect Listeria spp PCR Assay (OXOID Ltd) to all human food and feed products and production environment samples
Next meetings of NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Food Microbiology”:
– 2014 : October 2nd and 3rd, November 27th and 28th
– 2015 : February 5th and 6th, March 26th and 27th, May 21st and 22th, July 2nd and 3rd, October 8th and 9th, December 3rd and 4th