As of June 2nd, 2020, 15 methods for microbiological analysis in water are certified NF VALIDATION. The qPCR kits for qualitative and quantitative detection of Legionella are certified according to the validation protocols described in NF T90-471 and ISO/TS 12869 standards. The other methods are certified, with validations performed according to the technical protocol developed by AFNOR Certification and based on the comparison of the performances of an alternative method with the ones of a standard method.
Following the positive agreement of the dedicated Technical Committee expressed onto June 2nd, 2020, AFNOR Certification approved:
- The certification renewals for Colilert-18 / Quanti-Tray or Quanti-Tray 2000 (IDEXX Laboratories) and COMPASS cc Agar (SOLABIA SAS).
Our next meeting will be held on October 6th, 2020. Meetings for the end of 2020 and for 2021 are in the process of being planned.