As of November 24th, 2023, 141 methods of food microbiology analysis have been awarded the NF VALIDATION mark, validated according to the EN ISO 16140-2: 2016 protocol.
In addition, 5 methods for detecting antibiotic residues are validated according to the antibiotic validation protocol of AFNOR Certification.
On the positive opinion of the Bureau Technique Agroalimentaire of the NF VALIDATION mark of 5 and 6 October 2023, AFNOR Certification approved:
- Validation of the Solus One Listeria (Solus Scientific) method for the detection of Listeria spp. in all food products (through validation tests on a wide range of foods) and samples from the industrial production environment.
- Renewal of Rapid’Listeria (BIO-RAD), Rapid’E. coli O157:H7 (BIO-RAD), BACGene E. COLI O157:H7 (Gold Standard Diagnostics), TRANSIA® Plate Listeria (MilliporeSigma), EASY STAPH® (SOLABIA SAS), Solus E. coli O157 ELISA (Solus Scientific), Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR Assay (OXOID ThermoFisher), Salmonella Precis (OXOID ThermoFisher), MicroSEQ™ Listeria spp. (Life Technologies Corporation ThermoFisher Scientific) , MicroSEQ™ Listeria monocytogenes (Life Technologies Corporation ThermoFisher Scientific), SESAME Salmonella Test® (SOLABIA SAS), COMPASS® Listeria agar (detection) (SOLABIA SAS) and COMPASS® Listeria agar (enumeration) (SOLABIA SAS).
- The extension of the GENE-UP® Salmonella 2 (bioMérieux) methods to extend the field of application to the analysis of milk powders, infant feeding and infant cereals with and without probiotics, early-life nutrition and the use of new lysis protocols with analysis of raw materials from the chocolate industry (with test sample of 375g), GENE-UP® Cronobacter (bioMérieux) to extend the scope of application to the analysis of milk powders, infant feeding products and infant cereals with and without probiotics and infant foods with the use of a new enrichment protocol (test dose of 300g), BACGene Listeria spp. and BACGene Listeria monocytogenes (Gold Standard Diagnostics) for the addition of a new enrichment broth BACGro ULTRA Listeria Broth, BACGene Salmonella spp. , BACGene Listeria spp. , BACGene Listeria monocytogenes, BACGene Listeria Multiplex (Gold Standard Diagnostics) for use with the internal PURE software, iQ-Check® Listeria spp. and iQ-Check® Listeria monocytogenes II (BIO-RAD) for the use of a new Listeria Special Broth II enrichment medium for the dairy category, Solus One Salmonella ELISA (Solus Scientific) to extend the scope to plant analysis, seafood and fishery products.
Our next Agri-Food Technical Office meetings will be:
2023: 6 and 7 December 2023
2024: 8 and 9 February, 3 and 4 April, 12 and 13 June, 2 and 3 October and 4 and 5 December 2024