As of May 18th 2016, 123 alternative methods for microbiological food analysis are certified NF VALIDATION (among which 117 validated according to the standard protocol EN/ISO 16140:2003 and 6 methods validated according to the standard project ISO/FDIS 16140-2:2015). Three methods for the detection of antibiotics residues in food are also validated according to an NF VALIDATION specific protocol.
During its meeting held on May 17th and 18th 2016, the NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Food Microbiology” approved by vote:
– The validation of 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 – Listeria (3M Health Care) for the detection of Listeria spp. in all human food and industrial environmental samples according to the validation protocol ISO/FDIS 16140-2:2016.
– The validation renewal (without modification) of Simple Method for Salmonella method (bioMérieux) according to the validation protocol EN/ISO 16140:2003.
Others files are currently in process.
Next meetings of the NF VALIDATION “Technical Board – Food Microbiology”:
June 30th and July 1st, September 29th and 30th, November 24th and 25th 2015.