As of May 23rd, 138 alternative methods for microbiological analysis in food are certified NF VALIDATION, validated according to the protocol EN ISO 16140: 2003 or its new version EN ISO 16140-2: 2016. The update of the files is done gradually, on the occasion of renewals or extensions. The end of transition is scheduled for 2021. In the meantime, the 2 types of certificates are still valid.
In addition, 3 methods for the detection of antibiotics residues in food are validated according to the Validation protocol antibiotics of AFNOR Certification.
Following the positive agreement of the Technical Board (TC) expressed during its meeting held on May 16th and the 17th of May 2019, AFNOR Certification approved:
- The certification extension for Thermo Scientific SureTect Salmonella species PCR Assay (Oxoid Thermo Fisher Scientific) with an addition for milk powder, infant formula and infant cereals with and without probiotics including ingredients (375g sample size) .
- The certification renewals (according to the new EN ISO 16140-2: 2016) of RHAPSODY Agar A and RHAPSODY Agar B (SOLABIA).
Our next meetings of the TC:
- 2019: July 3rd & 4th, October 3rd & 4th, November 28th & 29th