As of 8th January 2015, 14 methods for microbiological water analysis are certified NF VALIDATION. The methods for quantification of Legionella using PCR are certified according to a protocol based on NF T90-471 and ISO/TS 12869 standards. The other methods are certified according to a specific technical protocol, developed by AFNOR Certification that compares the alternative method to a standard method.
During its meeting held the 7th November 2014, the Water Technical Board “General protocol” validated, for Colilert-18 applicable to bathing water, the possibility to use either the Quanti-Tray or the Quanti-Tray 2000. Other validation files are currently submitted to examination.
A new version of the NF T90-471 standard is going to be published. A new meeting of the Water Technical Board “PCR Legionella” will be held very soon, in order to estimate the impact of the new standard on the validation protocol and validation files. Modalities of transition to integrate new requirements will be defined in the context of NF VALIDATION mark.
Next meeting of both Water Technical Boards “General protocol” and “PCR Legionella”: 26th February 2015.