As of February 13, 2024, the NF VALIDATION mark was awarded to 138 methods of analysis in food microbiology, validated according to the protocol EN ISO 16140-2: 2016.
In addition, 3 methods for detecting antibiotic residues are validated according to the antibiotic validation protocol of AFNOR Certification.
On the positive opinion of the Agri-Food Technical Office of the mark NF VALIDATION of 8 February 2024, AFNOR Certification approved :
The renewal of the TEMPO® CAM and VIDAS® Listeria monocytogenes II (LMO2) (bioMérieux) methods.
The extension of methods:
– BACGene Salmonella spp., BACGene Listeria spp. , BACGene Listeria monocytogenes, BACGene Listeria Multiplex (Gold Standard Diagnostics) to extend the scope of application to the use of the OT-2 Liquid Handler.
– Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Salmonella species PCR Assay, Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR Assay, Salmonella Precis (OXOID ThermoFisher) to extend the scope of application to the addition of a new selective novobiocin supplement containing a blue dye, Thermo Scientific™ PrecisBlue™ supplement.
– GENE-UP® Salmonella (bioMérieux) to extend the scope of application to the use of a new enrichment protocol with BACTVIAB™ PMAxx™ pre-treatment for the analysis of milk powders, infant feeding and infant cereals with and without probiotics, and infant food.
Our next Agri-Food Technical Office meetings will be:
April 3 and 4, June 12 and 13, October 2 and 3, and December 4 and 5, 2024.